Mommy & Me | Calgary, Alberta | Lace & Locket Photography

So photographers love to buy equipment right? Silly question. So why not shoot in the place you love to spend all your hard earned money?! Double whammy! Two for the price of one...well maybe that last one is a stretch. WHO CARES THOUGH, LOOK HOW GREAT THIS MOTHER'S DAY SESSION TURNED OUT!!!! What a gorgeous momma, and an equally studly little man. It was cold this day but it was so great it didn't even seem to matter! And little man didn't seem to even be phased because there was so much stuff to look at.

This was shot in downtown Calgary, at The Camera Store where they have a huge feature wall facing North that is covered in graffiti and I was ever thankful to them for letting us use it. If you haven't gone down to check it out you should! We had so much fun shooting down there, and the creative possibilities are endless. I would love love love to do more creative sessions like this so if you've been thinking about having something like this to add to your wall decor, let's get to creating!